5 Quick Tips for a More Efficient Supply Chain.

Chill-Chain consolidated the top tips for the way towards a more efficient supply chain.

1. Have a plan and don't just stop there. 

This may be the most obvious one, but proper planning can lead to much more efficient supply chains. The main aim of a plan is to be more productive so you can maximise your profits. A well-done plan helps you to;

  • Clearly identify goals, 

  • Be held accountable, 

  • Increase productivity, and 

  • Reduce overlapping and wasting resources.

But even more important than initial planning is contingency planning. If you have worked in logistics for some time you know things quite often don’t go to plan. 

Plan B may be the most important aspect of your planning. Developing a contingency plan is a key way to address real-time problems when they occur. 

2. Data, data, data.

Data is a key tool for supply chain transparency. When used effectively, it can be an imperative advantage that allows you to see your supply chain strengths, as well as its inefficiencies and vulnerabilities. 

Among many things, data can assist in improving delivery times, maximising space, optimising routes and sourcing vehicles. All of these have a final outcome of improving your bottom line and making your supply chain more robust. 

3. Use technology to replace all your spreadsheets. 

Technology can play a vital role in simplifying your supply chain and increasing efficiency within it. Supply chains are complex so without technology, you’ll only find surface-level data and information. Technology has the power to provide incredible visibility and capture large opportunities within your company that would otherwise go unnoticed.

See here how technology is already making an impact on one of our customers. 

4. Stay up to date on industry news. 

This year we have had a lot of news that has disrupted supply chains from the fuel crisis following Covid-19 and Brexit, to major port delays due to the dismissals of P&O staff. 

Earlier, we discussed the need for contingency planning and this is a prime example of why.

By staying up to date and making use of our technology and industry visibility, we were able to be proactive and limit disruptions. It helped us with advising our customers of options to reroute their goods or find alternative solutions. 

There are many ways you can stay up to date, expanding your Linkedin network with industry-specific contacts, or signing up for industry newsletters are both great ways to stay connected and stay informed.

5. Communication is key. 

We have found a major key to working in logistics is service and communication. We advocate for total transparency; you know exactly who you're working with, where your load is and can be updated at all times. 

This can often take a lot of resources, our solution is to use technology; a live chat panel where the customer, haulier and the Chill-Chain team are all available to respond to keep a consistent line of communication at all times. 

Customers are your most valuable asset so should be treated as such. Maintaining strong, transparent relationships can be a key success factor for this.

Final thoughts.

Of course there are many different ways to improve efficiencies within your supply chain. These are only the top 5, once you have these fundamentals in place, there are so many more steps you can take toward a more effective supply-chain.

Reach out to us today if you’d like to find out how we could make your supply chain more efficient.


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